Northwest Indiana Green Drinks
“Ready, Set, Go Native!”
Katie Hobgood & Em Racine, Program Director & Engagement Manager, Save the Dunes
THURSDAY, March 6, 2025 7:30 pm ET/6:30 CT
Facebook Live or Zoom Meeting | Your Space | BYOB
Do you have a pollinator garden or desire to start one? Are you concerned about our declining population of butterflies, birds, bees, and bugs? How would you register your yard, business, school, place of worship, or park with the National Wildlife Federation for community credit?
Every spring for four consecutive years, Northwest Indiana Green Drinks welcomes experts in pollinators to present. This year we’ve invited the Save the Dunes Program team to present “Ready, Set, Go Native!”, a virtual presentation and community conversation to get you ready for spring gardening. Covering topics including picking the right native plants for your yard or garden, best practices for planting and maintaining, and reasons why planting natives is so critical right now, for the health of the environment and the people who call NWI home.
Grab a libation and some delicious eats in your own space as you discover with Katie, Program Director, and Em Racine, Engagement Manager, highlights of Save the Dunes landscape level conservation work, including how and why they installed a native pollinator garden on property at the Historic Barker House, and how you can best use Save the Dunes FREE educational resources.
We will also be joined by moderator Kathy Sipple, Northwest Indiana Region Resilience, and special guest Tristan Bogart, Michigan City Sustainability Commissioner, who will highlight some of the fabulous native garden programs happening in our region including the National Wildlife Federation’s “Garden for Wildlife” and Shirley Heinze Land Trusts’ “Bringing Nature Home” designations.
Invite your family, friends, neighbors, groups, organizations, and communities to join us. Northwest Indiana Green Drinks will meet Thursday, March 6th, 6:30 pm CT/7:30 pm ET, via Zoom and Save the Dunes Facebook Live. NWI Green Drinks—in its permanent virtual format—meets the first Thursday of the month (excluding July and December breaks).
These events are co-sponsored with Save the Dunes and Michigan City Sustainability Commission plus supported by NWI Region Resilience. Guest hosts this month are 95.1 FM/AM 1420 WIMS, 219 GreenConnect, Indiana Wildlife Federation, National Wildlife Federation, and Shirley Heinze Land Trust. For further information, please email Em Racine at .
Save the Dunes and Northwest Indiana Green Drinks is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting:
Topic: March 2025 Northwest Indiana Green Drinks
Time: Mar 6, 2025 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 826 0116 4639
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