Hoosier amphibians can be found in a wide variety of habitats, but all require a water or some moisture to survive. These small vertebrates include toads, frogs, salamanders and newts. Since these incredible species can all breathe through their skin, and lay porous eggs–they are extremely susceptible to environmental threats and poor water quality.
Click on theĀ common name of the native amphibians below to explore and learn more about each unique species.
Order | Family | Genus | Species | Common Name | Status |
Caudata | Cryptobranchida | Cryptobranchus | alleganiensis | Hellbender | SE |
Caudata | Proteidae | Necturus | maculosus | Common Mudpuppy | SC |
Caudata | Ambystomatidae | Ambystoma | laterale | Blue-spotted Salamander | SC |
Caudata | Ambystomatidae | Ambystoma | jeffersonianum | Jefferson Salamander | |
Caudata | Ambystomatidae | Ambystoma | opacum | Marbled Salamander | |
Caudata | Ambystomatidae | Ambystoma | talpoideum | Mole Salamander | SE |
Caudata | Ambystomatidae | Ambystoma | texanum | Small-mouthed Salamander | |
Caudata | Ambystomatidae | Ambystoma | maculatum | Spotted Salamander | |
Caudata | Ambystomatidae | Ambystoma | barbouri | Streamside Salamander | SC |
Caudata | Ambystomatidae | Ambystoma | tigrinum | Tiger Salamander | |
Caudata | Salamandridae | Notophthalmus | viridescens | Eastern Newt | |
Caudata | Plethodontidae | Desmognathus | fuscus | Northern Dusky Salamander | |
Caudata | Plethodontidae | Hemidactylium | scutatum | Four-toed Salamander | SC |
Caudata | Plethodontidae | Eurycea | lucifuga | Cave Salamander | |
Caudata | Plethodontidae | Eurycea | longicauda | Long-tailed Salamander | |
Caudata | Plethodontidae | Eurycea | cirrigera | Southern Two-lined Salamander | |
Caudata | Plethodontidae | Pseudotriton | ruber | Red Salamander | SE |
Caudata | Plethodontidae | Plethodon | electromorphus | Northern Ravine Salamander | |
Caudata | Plethodontidae | Plethodon | cinereus | Eastern Red-backed Salamander | |
Caudata | Plethodontidae | Plethodon | glutinosus | Northern Slimy Salamander | |
Caudata | Plethodontidae | Plethodon | dorsalis | Northern Zigzag Salamander | |
Caudata | Plethodontidae | Aneides | aeneus | Green Salamander | SE |
Caudata | Plethodontidae | Siren | intermedia | Lesser Siren | |
Anura | Scaphiopodidae | Scaphiopus | holbrookii | Eastern Spadefoot | |
Anura | Bufonidae | Anaxyrus | americanus | American Toad | |
Anura | Bufonidae | Anaxyrus | fowleri | Fowler’s Toad | |
Anura | Hylidae | Acris | crepitans | Northern Cricket Frog | SC |
Anura | Hylidae | Pseudacris | ferarium | Southeastern Chorus Frog | |
Anura | Hylidae | Pseudacris | triseriata | Western Chorus Frog | |
Anura | Hylidae | Pseudacris | crucifer | Spring Peeper | |
Anura | Hylidae | Hyla | chrysoscelis | Cope’s Gray Treefrog | |
Anura | Hylidae | Hyla | versicolor | Gray Treefrog | |
Anura | Hylidae | Hyla | cinerea | Green Treefrog | |
Anura | Ranidae | Lithobates | catesbeianus | American Bullfrog | |
Anura | Ranidae | Lithobates | areolatus | Crawfish Frog | SE |
Anura | Ranidae | Lithobates | clamitans | Green Frog | |
Anura | Ranidae | Lithobates | pipiens | Northern Leopard Frog | |
Anura | Ranidae | Lithobates | palustris | Pickerel Frog | |
Anura | Ranidae | Lithobates | blairi | Plains Leopard Frog | SE |
Anura | Ranidae | Lithobates | sphenocephalus | Southern Leopard Frog | |
Anura | Ranidae | Lithobates | sylvaticus | Wood Frog |