The saga of the anti-wetlands bill, SB 389 continues. It looks like all of the messages to House leadership have had an effect. Many thanks to the more than 70 organizations that have joined the sign-on letter!
We learned Thursday that the House Environmental Affairs Committee will not be meeting Monday, April 5th, as originally planned. Instead, the House Republican caucus will be debating SB 389 internally before deciding next steps to take, if any. We understand that the House Democratic caucus is opposed to SB 389, but hearing from their constituents who support their position will help.
Please, do all you can to get messages to your state representative before Monday asking them to vote against SB 389 or any amendment to SB 389 that reduces wetland protection. It would be helpful if you know of any local flooding, water quality, groundwater recharge, or lake sediment problems and can mention how those expensive problems will increase if wetlands are lost. Examples from within their districts really help sway legislators.
Anyone who needs to can find their state representative and contact information at