Final Asian Carp Control Forum will be held November 19th in Indianapolis

The Indiana Wildlife Federation in partnership with the Indiana Chamber of Commerce, the North-west Indiana Forum, Inc., and the Little River Wetland Project announce an educational forum to be held Tuesday, November 19th.

The meeting will cover the progress of control efforts to keep Asian carp and other aquatic invasive species out of the Great Lakes. The forum will also provide back-ground information in preparation for the Army Corp of Engineers report expected to publish in January, 2014, which will present alternatives for stopping Asian carp and all aquatic invasive species transfers between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River Basins.

Eagle Marsh in Fort Wayne is the second most likely pathway for Asian Carp to get to the Great Lakes. The draft plan for closing the connection between the Wabash River and the Great Lakes will be presented.

Information will also be shared about the location of Asian Carp in Indiana Rivers.

All stakeholders and the public are invited to attend.
Registration is not required.
November 19, 2013

3:00-4:45 pm EST
IN Wildlife Federation
708 East Michigan St.
Indianapolis, IN 46202

Directions and Parking: 708 East Michigan Street – Located in the brick building on the north side of Michigan Street (one way going west) at the corner of Spring Street (just east of College Avenue). Parking is free in the lot on the east side of the building.

Agenda and Presenters:

  • Introduction— Cal Burleson, Vice President and General Manager, Indianapolis Indians
  • Asian Carp Control Progress—John Goss, Asian Carp Director, White House Council on Environmental Quality
  • Great Lakes and Mississippi River Interbasin Study (GLMRIS) Interim Report—What to expect in the January 2014 US Army Corp of Engineers report –Nate Moulder, Community Planner, US Army Corp of Engineers
  • Eagle Marsh Invasive Species Barrier—Jerry Roach, Assistant State Conservationist, Natu-ral Resources Conservation Service
  • Asian Carp in Indiana– Doug Keller, Aquatic Habitat Coordinator, Indiana Dept. of Natural Resources