Affiliate Program Partners


An affiliate member is a nonprofit organization or nonprofit partner with members whose mission aligns with that of the Indiana Wildlife Federation. Individuals may not be affiliate members. IWF mission is “Promoting the conservation, sound management, and sustainable use of Indiana’s wildlife and wildlife habitat through education, advocacy, and action.”

To join as an Affiliate Member:

  • Your organization must be a nonprofit organization.
  • Your organization’s mission must align with the mission and policies of the IWF.
  • Your organization must complete an application.
  • Your application must be approved by the IWF Board of Directors.
  • Your organization must submit annual dues in line with your membership size, during the month of October each year.

Affiliate Member Levels:

  • $3,000 (10,000 or more members)
  • $2,000 (5,000-9,999 members)
  • $1,000 (1,000-4,999 members)
  • $500 (250-999 members)
  • $200 (25-99 members)
  • $100 (1-24 members)


Affiliate Member organizations will receive IWF quarterly electronic newsletters, notification of member events and conferences, placement with link to their organization’s website on IWF website, promoted on social media platforms, recognition at IWF Annual Conference, and the benefit of IWF advocacy throughout the state with an invitation to participate in Conservation Day at the State House.

Affiliate Locations

The Indiana Wildlife Federation is a true federation that has brought together voices from across the numerous conservation interests since our founding in 1938. Many of our affiliates are primarily focused on representing conservation issues that are top-of-mind for hunters and anglers in their own communities. These groups help to strengthen our voice and build power for wildlife and habitat conservation across Indiana. Using the map below, hover or click the icons for affiliate partner information. To become an official IWF affiliate join here.

Statewide IWF Affiliates:

Amos Butler Audubon
Bremen Conservation Club
Coffee Creek Conservation Club
Dubois County Sportsmen’s Club
Elkhart Conservation Club
Elkhart Environmental Center
Empower Results
Indiana Chapter of The Wildlife Society
New Alsace Conservation Club
Pheasants Forever Coal Creek Chapter
Reel Women-Reel Men of Indianapolis
Saugany Lake Conservation Club
St. Joseph River Valley Fly Fishers
United Are We Conservation Club
White River Alliance
