Photo credit: Emily Wood


Join an established base of like-minded conservationists and strengthen a unified voice on critical Indiana wildlife and habitat issues. Your membership supports our statewide wildlife outreach and education programs, and on-the-ground habitat projects like invasive species removals, native tree plantings, pollinator plantings, and sustainable trail partnerships.

As a member, you will help the IWF remain the leading conservation organization in Indiana. Together we can influence the legislators, state and local officials, regulators, and public opinion leaders who make decisions that impact our wildlife.

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Join today and add your voice to the thousands of conservationists throughout Indiana who treasure our wildlife, water, and lands.


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Your donation can help Indiana's wildlife in a variety of ways, from developing cutting-edge habitat programs to advocating natural resources policy.


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Demonstrate your company's support for free statewide habitat education, advocacy, and on-the-ground action for Indiana's wildlife.


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