Leading up to the live auction on May 22 will be virtual talks by two excellent speakers, live on Zoom.
11:00 a.m. Top 5 Reasons to Grow Native Emily Wood, Executive Director of the Indiana Wildlife Federation. A lifelong Hoosier originally from Terre Haute, Emily studied wildlife biology at Ball State University. She loves hiking, birdwatching, photography, and gardening and is working on restoring a 1986 Chevy Truck.
11:30 a.m. Plant Tips and Live Auction Preview Sue Nord Peiffer, a veteran of INPS auctions, knows just about everything there is to know about native plants and will clue us in to the fine points of plants offered in the live auction. She oversees the Madeline Elder Greenhouse at Newfields.
To participate in all that’s planned, you will need to register on two sites:
Givergy at https://givergy.us/indiananativeplants/ Register here to view and bid on auction items. New items are being added weekly! When you place your first bid, you will be asked to enter credit card information.
Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMtfuCprzotGtU9iwbT1S-CcNBxEeIZRvH2 This will get you a link to the live event on Saturday, May 22, that includes speakers and the live auction.
If you have questions about the auction, address them to plantsale@indiananativeplants.org.
Auction Bidding
Bidding competition begins with an online silent auction opening at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, May 15, and continues through the week. The bidding fun will be capped by a virtual live auction at noon the following Saturday, May 22, followed by the close of silent auction bidding at 2:00 p.m.
Up for bid will be premium native plant specimens from from nurseries and garden centers in the Grow Indiana Natives program, along with select curated items and services specially chosen to entice bidders. A professional auctioneer will encourage bidding on six to ten choice or rare items that will be available only during the live auction.
All auction bidding will be conducted by means of your smartphone or laptop. We are using Givergy as our app to display auction items and track bids.
The pick-up location of each plant or plant package will be clearly designated in item descriptions, and bidders will retrieve their winnings at the donor nurseries.