2025 Legislative Watch List

As 2025 kicks off with many familiar faces, as well as numerous new faces, IWF continues to monitor the legislative session ensuring our members are well-informed of the multiple bills that could affect wildlife, natural resources, and public access. As always, this session is shaping up to be a mixed bag with a variety of bills advancing those issues we care about and some that we fear could be a detriment to our shared vision of Indiana. Below we will highlight eleven bills the Indiana Wildlife Federation plans to engage on, and in some cases call on you to lift up our voice, and a variety of bills we are currently tracking and will engage with should the need arise.

A full list of the bills we are tracking can be found on our website under the advocacy tab.

Photo by Aaron J Hill

Senate Bill 32: Prevention of Chronic Wasting Disease

IWF Opposes this Legislation

Senate Bill 32 was introduced by a long-time advocate of conservation in our state, Senator Sue Glick (R-13). Senator Glick, Assistant President Pro-Tempore and chair of the chair of the Natural Resources Committee introduced this legislation in reaction to the recently discovered cases of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in her district. While we applaud the Senator’s intent to find a solution to this serious threat to the white-tailed deer population in our state, IWF and our partners believe that this proposed solution would not only fail at protecting our wildlife it could potentially cause catastrophic harm to our herd.

This legislation, as written, would direct a state-wide program of breeding captive deer with a combination of alleles that have been shown to give deer a longer life once infected with CWD. While longer-lived deer are often a good outcome, in this case, infected deer have been shown in captivity to live marginally longer but continue to shed CWD prions until their inevitable demise. Not only does this combination of alleles not provide immunity to deer, it is highly probable that this mutation is shared with other physical traits that could reduce the survivability of white-tailed deer in the wild.

Lastly, the scientific community is in near consensus that the magnitude of captive-bred deer, possessing this trait, that would be required to meaningfully impact the wild population’s genetic makeup as it relates to CWD, would be so vast that it would be unfeasible to carry out.

With all this in mind, as well as the support of a variety of statewide and national sportsman and conservation groups, the Indiana Wildlife Federation has testified to the potential harm of this legislation in the Natural Resources Committee. Currently, this legislation has been tabled and IWF will continue to monitor it and will fight the release of any captive-bred deer into our thriving wild population.

Senate Bill 121:  Restrictions of Using Nets or Trapping Minnows

IWF Supports this Legislation (with recommendations for changes)

Senate Bill 121 was written by Senators Spencer Deery (R-23), Majority Whip Michael Crider (R-28), Scott Baldwin (R-20) and co-authored by James Thomes (R-49). SB121 looks to address a growing problem in our state, over-harvesting of aquatic life through netting. While netting can certainly play a role in responsible angling there has been a rise in the unsustainable harvest of numerous minnows, including many fish that are prohibited without proper permitting.

The Indiana Wildlife Federation applauds the authors of this bill for trying to find a solution to the increasing problem of netting in our tributaries and rivers. We support this legislation and are looking into ways we can help the authors improve the legislation and ensure that there is both enforcement and education to help ensure a thriving fish population throughout our state.


Senate Bill 538:  PFAS Chemicals

IWF Opposes this Legislation

SB 538, authored by Senator Zay (R-17) limits the ability of state agencies to regulate PFAS (forever chemicals) in a manner that is more restrictive than the Federal government. While this may not have been problematic in the current administration, with the incoming Presidential administration we expect environmental regulations to be greatly reduced. If this is the case Hoosiers will need our state to have the autonomy to properly protect our water, wildlife and population from harmful “forever chemicals.”


House Bill 1286:  PFAS Chemicals

IWF Supports this Legislation

HB 1286, authored by Representative Beck Cash (R-25) and co-authored by Representative Julie McGuire (R-93) requires the Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) to publish a registry of persons known to have discharged PFAS into the waters of Indiana. While this legislation would not seek to establish penalties for these discharges it will shed light on an increasing problem in our state, and we hope will be the first step towards limiting these discharges.

House Bill 1025:  Treated Seeds

IWF Supports this Legislation

HB 1025, authored by Representative Mike Aylesworth (R-11) requires the state seed commissioner to study the impacts of seeds treated with certain insecticides, reporting their findings to the interim study committee. While this legislation may seem out of the prevue of the Indiana Wildlife Federation, the impacts of this could have profound impacts on wildlife in our state. Certain insecticides are known to have deleterious effects on both terrestrial and aquatic insects. Studies have tied the drastic loss of aquatic insects, the basis of our rivers and stream’s food web, to particular insecticides used in agriculture. Learning the impacts of these potentially harmful compounds is a vital first step to correcting them.


House Bill 1234:  Conservation of Agricultural Land

IWF Supports this Legislation

HB 1234, authored by Representative Kendell Culp (R-16) seeks to establish a land protection program that allows the state of Indiana, or a country within the state, to accept agricultural land and hold it. Additionally, it seeks to provide funding for acquisition and management. Given the vast amount of agricultural land in our state and the amount being converted into low-grade construction, this bill would help to stem development and keep agricultural land, which can serve as wildlife habitat, from development.


Photo by Tyler Mascola

Senate Bill 211:  Clean Water Indiana program

IWF Supports this Legislation

SB 211, authored by Senator Glick (R-13) allows for the use of funds from the Clean Water Indiana fund to be utilized in the management of invasive species. Invasive species have the ability to contribute greatly to the decreased water quality and currently funds from the clean water Indiana fund are not permitted to combat invasives plants. In order to allow environmental stewards, like those working for our soil and water conservation districts (SWCD), environmental organizations and land trusts this legislation is necessary.


House Bill 1190: Water Quality

IWF Supports this Legislation

HB 1190, authored by Assistant Majority Caucus Chair David Abbott seeks to establish a permanent water protection and conservation fund and water quality board. This would be a great step in increasing funding for the protection of our natural waters in the state.


House Bill 1237: State Mammal

IWF Supports this Legislation

HB 1237, authored by Representative Victoria Garcia Wilburn (D-32) seeks to name the Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalis) the state mammal of Indiana. Currently, Indiana has no official state mammal and IWF believes the Indiana bat is an ideal candidate to represent Indiana’s natural heritage.


House Bill 1417:  Prevention of CWD

IWF Opposes this Legislation

HB 1417, authored by Representative Bob Morris (R-84) and co-authored by Representative Beau Baird (R-44) is very similar to SB 32, and the Indiana Wildlife Federation opposes it for the same reason.



Photo by Lucas Pezeta

House Bill 1557:  Prescribed Burning

IWF Supports this Legislation

HB 1557, authored by Representative Beau Baird (R-44) establishes a legal framework for the use of prescribed fire in the managing of natural landscapes. This legislation seeks to develop a safe framework for how land managers can safely use fire to combat invasive plants, improve forest stands and regenerate habitat throughout the state. HB 1557 also tasks the Indiana Department of Forestry with establishing a Certified Prescribed Burn Manager Program to ensure safe and standardized techniques for utilizing fire. This bill also clarifies liability concerns and reduces perceived risks associated with prescribed fire for landowners and practitioners and aligns the state with other Midwestern states that have similar laws. Prescribed fire is one of the most important tools for land managers to battle invasive plants while providing high quality habitat to wildlife throughout the state.

In addition to the eleven priority bills listed above, the Indiana Wildlife Federation will continue to monitor numerous bills, approximately forty, and constantly assess their impact on our wildlife and wild spaces. Throughout this legislative session, we will update you on the progress of these bills and more. We may also seek your help to convince your legislators to stand up for wildlife and their habitats.


Thank you for your continued support of IWF, without you, we could not do the work we do, standing up for wildlife throughout the state.

Senate Agriculture Chair Debbie Stabenow Releases Draft Farm Bill

Indianapolis, IN  (November 18, 2024) — Senate Agriculture Chair Debbie Stabenow’s newly released draft of the farm bill highlights the need to pass a full five-year bill as quickly as possible. 


“We are thrilled to see the Senate put forth a draft bill that gives certainty to the chamber’s dedication towards a strong Farm Bill,” said Dan Boritt, executive director for the Indiana Wildlife Federation. “This bill enshrines a strong system of conservation for working lands and gives certainty to Hoosier farmers. We hope that the House and Senate can come together quickly and pass a bipartisan Farm Bill that can allow producers throughout our state to breathe a sigh of relief that DC is working for them. With this draft the Senate shows a strong commitment towards ensuring continued funding for Federal programs that promote wildlife habitat improvements and encourage private land owners to open up their properties for public access. This bill would permanently authorize the conservation measures in the Farm Bill for the first time, granting certainty for the long-term conservation funding for private lands that allow wildlife to thrive. We hope that agricultural committee members Senator Braun and Representative Baird will support the passage of a bipartisan bill that commits to supporting Hoosier farmers and Hoosier wildlife.”


A summary of the bill is available here.
Bill text is available here.







Indianapolis, Indiana, May 16, 2024 – “I am honored to serve as co-chair of the Ohio River Caucus, representing the vital interests of Southern Indiana. The Ohio River is not only a lifeline for commerce and industry but a symbol of our region’s rich history and potential for growth. As co-chair, I am committed to advocating for policies that promote economic prosperity and conservation along the Ohio River and beyond,” said Rep. Houchin.

Congresswoman Erin Houchin, 9th District of Indiana was recently installed as co-chair of the Ohio River Basin Congressional Caucus.

The Ohio River drains more than 80% of Indiana’s waterways and is home to about 30 million people – more than 8 percent of the United States’ population. Yet, the region doesn’t receive the attention given other regions such as the Mississippi River and Chesapeake Bay watersheds. With 55 Congressional districts in 14 states covering the basin.

The caucus was founded on October 21, 2009, by Rep. Shelley Moore Capito and Rep. Steve Driehaus to unite all members of Congress whose districts reside within the Ohio River Basin to work together to resolve issues faced by their constituents.

The caucus was formed in conjunction with the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission, which is an organization that was formed by multiple state governments to manage and maintain the environmental quality of the Ohio River Valley.

The caucus is tasked with raising awareness of the Ohio River Valley and highlighting the river’s impact on the nation’s economy, infrastructure, and agriculture. Major goals of the caucus will include securing funding for environmental restoration and cleanup, educational outreach, as well as discussing how pending legislation will affect the Ohio River Basin.

The Indiana Wildlife Federation and the National Wildlife Federation plan to continue to raise awareness around the plight of the Ohio River Basin and advocate for Federal funding support to restore and protect the waters that affect the 14 impacted states.




It’s bird migration season in Indiana. Plant a native tree to keep biodiversity alive.

Check out the recent opinion piece by our Executive Director in the Indy Star.


A Testament to Trees, and Urban Rewilding.


My relationship with trees has always been one of admiration. Growing up in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania I was surrounded by them, and one, the Witness Tree, held a special allure for Gettysburgians and fans of American history. Despite this admiration, it is only in recent years that I have begun to truly appreciate the impact these magnificent sentinels can have on my wellbeing.

Upon moving to midtown Indianapolis in the early twenty-teens my wife and I were fortunate to buy a home in Oliver Johnson’s Woods, a small neighborhood with some fantastic old trees. One of the beauties of my neighborhood is it developed organically over time. The layout of the houses and landscaping plan was not contrived to maximize profits and minimize diversity. The houses don’t match, nor do the trees, and this is what makes it so magical! We have Black Walnut, Sycamore, Hackberry, Tulip Poplar, American Beech, Pignut Hickory and so many more! Compared to modern-day developments, they tend to have prescribed plantings, often just a single species, or if you’re lucky, two species throughout the entire neighborhood, a near monoculture. To make matters worse, these are often cultivars, or worse, non-native and often times invasive species like the omnipresent Bradford Pear, that wreak havoc on native ecosystems.

In the decade-plus since we moved to Indianapolis, we have done our fair share of plantings. We’ve added Sugar Maples, an Ohio Buckeye, a Catalpa, several Paw Paws, and a wide array of native flowers, grasses, and shrubs. While this planting has taken time, the benefits are beginning to show. Just this morning, as I sat on my back porch, I saw over fifty species of birds! Many of these are common to Indianapolis, local favorites like the Northern Cardinal, American Robin, House Wren, and Downy Woodpecker. Others however were visiting my backyard amid an epic journey, one that may have begun weeks ago as far away as Brazil and Venezuela!  As I sit on my back porch I’m delighted by the beautiful colors and calls of such vivid migrants as Great Crested Flycatchers, Magnolia Warblers, Scarlet Tanagers, Baltimore Orioles, Northern Parula, and Ovenbirds! These names may not mean much to everyone, but I promise if you see and hear them your spirits will rise and you’ll fall into a sense of calm.

As you can tell, I love birds. I always have, and I hope always will. Yet it is only in recent years I’ve truly begun to understand the importance of trees and other native plants to our avian friends. Yes, I have bird feeders, but nothing can replace the trees these animals have evolved to depend upon. If you love wildlife and want to help, one of the best things you can do is plant a native tree! Many are slow-growing, and they may not reveal their magic to you anytime soon. But, if you plant that tree I can assure you someday in the future a person will sit in wonder, experiencing the magic that tree has provided, and thank the person who planted it.

Right now, Indiana sits in the middle of one of nature’s great wonders, the northward migration of New World warblers. Grab a pair of binoculars, find a bird walk to join, download a free birding app, and get outside! This happens every year, and every year I’m reminded of the magic of nature as a sense of wonder reawakens inside of me. And oh yeah, while you’re out there marveling at these tiny jewels, don’t forget to thank a tree, without them this wouldn’t be possible!


Dan Boritt is Executive Director of the Indiana Wildlife Federation and a life-long lover of nature.

Protect Indiana’s Wildlife: Take Action Against HB 1399!


Wildlife lovers, it’s time to raise our collective voice! House Bill 1399, currently making its way through the legislature, poses a serious threat to wildlife and humans alike. The bill will receive its first Senate hearing on Monday, February 19th in the Senate Environmental Affairs Committee. We urge you to contact your State Senators this week and encourage them to oppose this harmful bill!

HB 1399 is a bill that is promoted by the business entities that manufacture toxic chemicals. PFAS can be bought for $50 – $1,000 per pound (according to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency) but costs between $2.5 million and $18 million per pound to remove and destroy from municipal wastewater! We have all seen the harm and cost borne out using toxic materials such as lead in our drinking water delivery systems, the cost of PFAS cleanup will dwarf these historic issues. If ever there is a time to heed the old saying “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” it is NOW!

  • HB 1399 weakens protections against PFAS contamination: PFAS, known as “forever chemicals” due to their persistence in the environment, are linked to numerous health problems in humans and wildlife:
    • Reproductive issues: Reduced birth rates, developmental abnormalities, and impaired fertility.
    • Immune system suppression: Making animals more susceptible to diseases and infections.
    • Organ damage: Affecting livers, kidneys, and other vital organs.
    • Endocrine disruption: Interfering with hormone function, impacting growth, metabolism, and behavior.
  • PFAS pollution has already made many fish unsafe to eat: A peer-reviewed article published by the Environmental Working Group (ESG) shows that PFAS contamination in freshwater fish far outpaces that of marine species. The highest levels of contamination are found in and around the Great Lakes. Fish in locations like Indiana are so polluted that eating a single freshwater fish will expose you to the same levels of PFAS as drinking highly contaminated water for an entire month!


  • Increases potential for future contamination: By reducing regulations on industrial polluters, HB 1399 could pave the way for more PFAS to enter our waterways and soil, impacting wildlife across the state for generations to come. This bill would make Indiana the most regressive state on PFAS regulation. Our legislature knows how harmful PFAS can be. Just last year they passed legislation aimed at protecting firefighters from these deadly chemicals, yet this legislation would increase Hoosier’s exposure to these cancer-causing agents.
  • We do not yet understand how severe the risk of PFAS pollution is in Indiana: Due to an overwhelming lack of data, we do not yet have adequate baseline information to understand how severe the problem of PFAS pollution is in Indiana. We do know that when we look for PFAS in our water we find it. States such as Michigan which have invested significantly more money in determining the levels of PFAS pollution have found extremely high levels of these forever chemicals in many fish, including several species of bass, walleye, and catfish, as well as white-tailed deer. This alarming level of pollution is making wild protein, often thought of as the healthiest source of protein, unsafe for human consumption.

What you can do:

  1. Contact your State Senator: Find your Senator’s contact information HERE.
  2. Express your concerns: Clearly explain why you oppose HB 1399 and highlight the specific dangers it poses to wildlife due to PFAS contamination.
  3. Urge your Senator to vote NO on HB 1399.
  4. Share this action alert: Spread the word to your friends, family, and fellow wildlife enthusiasts!

Together, we can make our voices heard and protect Indiana’s irreplaceable wildlife from the dangers of PFAS and other harmful pollutants!

Remember, your voice matters! Act today!

The farm bill looks after more than Indiana’s crops. It can help improve Hoosier lives

Check out this Op-Ed from our Executive Director in the Indy Star. In this op-ed he argues for an increase in conservation funding to ensure Hoosier farmers are able to take advantage of these programs that help increase the quality of life for Hoosiers statewide.

Link to Indy Star article

The farm bill looks after more than Indiana’s crops. It can help improve Hoosier lives

Dan Boritt
Indianapolis Star

The farm bill is one of the most important pieces of legislation for conservation in the United States.

This omnibus legislation is renewed every five years and is set to be renewed in 2023. It provides funding for a variety of programs that help protect our land, water and wildlife. In Indiana, the farm bill has been instrumental in supporting the conservation of iconic species like the white-tailed deer, the bald eagle and the monarch butterfly. The Indiana Wildlife Federation believes that the farm bill is a critical tool for conservation, and we’re committed to using it to its full potential to protect Indiana’s natural resources.

Here are some of the ways that the farm bill can help conservation in Indiana:

  • Protect wildlife habitat. The farm bill provides funding for programs like the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), which pays farmers to remove environmentally sensitive land from production and plant native grasses and other plants that benefit wildlife. In Indiana, CRP has protected over 1 million acres of land, providing habitat for a wide variety of species.
  • Improve water quality. The farm bill can also be used to fund programs that help reduce soil erosion, which can lead to pollution of waterways. The farm bill can also be used to fund programs that help improve water quality in wetlands, which are important filters for pollutants.
  • Increase hunter access. The farm bill funds programs that help improve public access to hunting and fishing areas. This can be a win-win for both hunters and conservationists, as it can help to increase public support for conservation efforts.

In addition to these provisions, the next farm bill should also include the following measures to improve equity, conservation and climate resilience:

  • Improve equity in the delivery of conservation program funds and technical assistance by supporting local employees who understand Indiana. Addressing historic inequities in agriculture conservation programs will profoundly boost the ability of farmers, ranchers, forest owners and communities across the country to build resilience, while enhancing soil health, water quality, wildlife habitat and livelihoods.
  • Strengthen the linkage between conservation compliance and crop insurance premium subsidies and improve enforcement of these provisions. In exchange for receiving certain farm program benefits, farmers must agree to fundamental soil and wetland conservation provisions to protect wetlands and reduce soil erosion.
  • Increase conservation title baseline funding to meet producer demand and protect and build on conservation funding provided in the Inflation Reduction Act. With farm bill conservation programs greatly over-subscribed, the funding provided in the Inflation Reduction Act is critical for meeting demand from farmers and ranchers. This funding must stay in conservation and climate-smart agriculture in order to address increasing demand for climate-smart conservation practices and long-term outcomes needed for a resilient agricultural economy.
  • Prevent conversion of native grasslands through a nationwide Sodsaver provision. Sodsaver correctly aligns the market risk of putting never-before-cropped grasslands into production by reducing federal premium subsidies for crop insurance on newly cropped, formerly grassland areas. Although currently active in six states, Sodsaver should be expanded nationwide to level the playing field and reduce taxpayer subsidization of risky production to help protect this endangered ecosystem.
  • Better align crop insurance with conservation practices that reduce risk and save money. Remove barriers to, and provide incentives for, adopting risk-reducing conservation practices within the crop insurance program to lower crop insurance costs and increase on-farm resilience.

By working together, we can ensure that Indiana’s wildlife and waterways have a bright future in our state.

Dan Boritt is executive director of the Indiana Wildlife Federation, which is committed to promoting common-sense conservation throughout Indiana.

Great Reporting Surrounding the Proposed LEAP Project in Lebanon

The Journal & Courier, out of Lafayette, has printed two parts of a three part series on the proposed LEAP Project  proposed by the IEDC in Labanon.  Below are the first two articles, and we highly recommend you subscribe to the Journal Courier to support local reporting like this.

Below is the first part of the reporting by the Journal & Courier :

LEAP project proposes piping millions of gallons of water from Tippecanoe County aquifer

Story by Ron Wilkins, Lafayette Journal & Courier •2h

Editor’s note: This is the first in a three-part series that looks at the proposed use of water resources in Tippecanoe County to benefit economic development in Boone County.

The Indiana Economic Development Corp. touts Lebanon as the ideal location for a 9,000-acre for a “megasite” that one day might be the work site for 50,000 people working in advance manufacturing, mixed-use and corporate campuses.

A project that large requires millions of gallons of water a day — reportedly between 10 million and 100 million gallons a day.

Lebanon’s water resources cannot support such a large site.

One possible solution is the LEAP project: a plan to buy land in the Wabash River aquifer in southwestern Tippecanoe County, and pipe water from there to Lebanon, a distance that is more than one-third the width of the state, according to discussions this spring and summer with natural resource experts.

Google estimates the distance between West Point in Tippecanoe County to Lebanon is nearly 50 miles. The state of Indiana is 140 miles wide.

LEAP project to take water from local aquifers

The Lebanon LEAP project is a proposed development of 9,000 acres of farmland mostly west of Interstate 65 and mostly north of Indiana 32, encompassing the four miles of land north of Boone County Road 50 South.

The LEAP project is 30 minutes from experts at Purdue Research Park and Purdue University, 30 minutes from the Indianapolis Airport and conveniently located within minutes of interstates running north, south, east and west, according to the Indiana Economic Development Corp. website.

The LEAP project developers will buy land over the Wabash River aquifer in order to tap into that underground resource. So far, they are eyeing land southwest of Lafayette, Lafayette Mayor Tony Roswarski said.

“I want to make clear to folks that we understand that we don’t own the water,” Roswarski said. “The water in the aquifer, in Indiana law, if you own the land above, you have the right to tap the water. We understand that.

The proposed wells are not the source of Lafayette’s water, Roswarski said.

The project proposes to construct a pipeline to take ground water from the Wabash River aquifer and pump it to Lebanon.

“We found out about this several several months ago, and had a quick meeting with the (Indiana Economic Development Corp.),” Roswarski said in May.

Reports estimate that the LEAP project will draw millions of gallons of water from Tippecanoe County aquifers, pumping it to Lebanon for use there.

“We originally heard about 10 million (gallons a day), but then we heard it could go up as high as 100 million (gallons a day),” Roswarski said. “When that number came out, we got a little bit more concerned.”

Three main water sources in the Lafayette area

On the surface, the Wabash River runs from northwestern Ohio, across northern Indiana, through Tippecanoe County as it winds its way to Indiana’s western border with Illinois. It eventually drains into the Ohio River, which in turns, feeds the Mississippi River.

Beneath the surface in the area of Tippecanoe County are two aquifers — the Wabash River aquifer and the Taeys River aquifer.

The Wabash River, the Wabash aquifer and the Taeys aquifer all touch in places, said Roswarski and Keith Cherkauer, Purdue professor of agricultural and biological engineering at Purdue University and the director of the Indiana Water Resources Research Center.

The aquifers are fed from falling rain that seeps through the ground into the aquifers.

Lafayette draws its water from the Taeys River aquifer, which is the remains of an ancient river.

“The Teays River existed on the surface historically and drained generally out of Ohio, through Indiana and kind of down to where the Mississippi River is now,” Cherkauer said.

“By the end of the last ice age, it got filled in with sand, gravel, clays, basically crushed parts of the landscape to our north. Then there was a new surface.”

The Taeys was covered up as the melting glaciers created what we know today as the Wabash River, Cherkauer said.

The proposed LEAP project created a stir among the state’s experts on Indiana’s watersheds, rivers, aquifers and its water resources. They met in April via a Zoom conference and discussed various issues raised by the proposed project.

Future reports will take a look at how pumping 100 million gallons of water from the Wabash River aquifer might affect the river down stream, as well as the unseen underground aquifers. The J&C also will report on the discussions about Indiana’s water laws.

Reach Ron Wilkins at rwilkins@jconline.com. Follow on Twitter: @RonWilkins2.

This article originally appeared on Lafayette Journal & Courier: LEAP project proposes piping millions of gallons of water from Tippecanoe County aquifer


Here is the second entry of the three-part series 

A look at potential impact of transferring water from one part of the state to another

Ron Wilkins

Lafayette Journal & Courier

Editor’s note: This is the second in a three-part series that looks at the proposed use of water resources in Tippecanoe County to benefit economic development in Boone County.

LAFAYETTE, Ind. — The proposed LEAP project in Lebanon west of Interstate 65 needs water.

The plan is to take it from the Wabash River aquifer in southwestern Tippecanoe County, and pump it one-quarter of the state’s width to the 9,000-acre development.

In reality, that water — 10 million to 100 million gallons a day — from the Wabash River watershed will never return to the state’s largest river.

Jane Frankenberger, a Purdue University agriculture and biological engineer professor and extension agricultural engineer, summarized the LEAP project’s proposal during an online conference in April.

“Large withdraws like this are not uncommon,” Frankenberger said. “There are locations around Indiana where water is withdrawn, used, then discharged back into the river.

“What’s unusual here is that after the water is used by industry, it would not return to the Wabash River, but rather, piped into a tributary of the White River, possibly Sugar Creek or Eagle Creek — down to the Eagle Creek Reservoir — or somewhere else.

“Thus, it’s not just a withdraw, but a water transfer.”

Frankenberger started the April conference by itemizing three issues: How will the transfer of water to Lebanon affect the Tippecanoe County ground water and future developments in Tippecanoe County? How will transfer of water affect the surface water and the Wabash River? Lastly, how will the water transferred to Boone County affect its creeks after it is used?

Frankenberger wondered if there was enough data to make informed decisions on the transfer of water before the project is set in motion.

The area’s water resources

Keith Cherkauer, a Purdue professor of agricultural and biological engineering and the director of the Indiana Water Resources Research Center, shed some light on Frankenberger’s questions.

The Tippecanoe County area has several surface water resources, including the Wabash River. But beneath the ground, the area has the Teays River aquifer, which is from where Lafayette draws its water, and the Wabash River aquifer, from where LEAP wants to tap.

The Wabash River, its aquifer and the Teays River aquifer all touch in some areas, Cherkauer said. This helps recharge the aquifers.

When the Teays River flowed on the surface, it was comparable in size to today’s Ohio River and flowed from the West Virginia area, north and through Ohio, across Indiana, and continued heading west towards what today is Missouri.

Glaciers from the last ice age pushed the water out of its channel, pressed rocks boulders and other debris on top of the river, then crushed the rocks and boulders into sand, silt and clay, Cherkauer said of the origins of the Teays River.

The aquifer is deepest in the ancient river’s channel, but its water spans areas wider than the old river channel, Cherkauer said.

The effects of transferring water to Lebanon

“If it’s a 10-million-gallon-per-day facility on the Wabash River, we’re probably barely going to notice it,” Cherkauer said.

By comparison, the city of Lafayette pumps between 10 million and 17 million gallons a day for use by its customers, Lafayette Mayor Tony Roswarski said.

But the city draws its water from the Teays River aquifer. The water is used here, treated here and returned to the Wabash River, which recharges the Teays and Wabash rivers aquifers.

“We are blessed here,” Roswarski said. “The aquifer here — the Teays Acquifer — is very strong. It charges well. We’re blessed to have that because not all places have that.”

News about the LEAP project caused some concern among local government officials.

“We originally heard about 10 million (gallons a day), but then we heard it could go up as high as 100 million,” Roswarski said, noting they just heard about the LEAP project late in 2022. “When that number came out, we got a little bit more concerned.

“There a lot of people who could potentially be affected.”

Cherkauer said, “If it becomes a 100-million-gallon-a-day facility, we will start to notice.”

The volume of Indiana’s ground water stored in aquifers is not well quantified.

“The surface water, in general, is increasing,” Cherkauer said. “There are some areas in the northwest part of the state that’s increasing. But much of the state has seen increases in surface water over the last 30 years. Whereas, ground water is very much a mixed signal.”

Test wells have not yielded the needed information about how much water is available in aquifers and how quickly aquifers recharge from surface water, Cherkauer said. This includes the Wabash River aquifer in southwestern Tippecanoe County where the LEAP project wants to tap.

As for taking the 10 million to 100 million gallons of water a day from the Wabash River aquifer, Cherkauer said, “Not a huge amount of the average amount of annual water is going to be transferred. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have an effect.”

The transfer of water would affect the Wabash River’s flow downstream from Lafayette during drought years or during times of less-than-normal rainfall, he said.

“The other thing we need to consider because this is a transfer from one watershed to another is: Once the industrial use is done, then that water is going to be returned to surface water,” Cherkauer said of the LEAP project.

“If they’re dumping it into — I think Prairie Creek runs very near this location in Lebanon — 10-million gallons a day will be a substantial in-flow to Prairie Creek,” Cherkauer said during an interview before the April Zoom conference. “A 100-million gallons a day will overwhelm Prairie Creek because it’s very small.”

For Sugar Creek, 100 million gallons a day will increase the flow up to 25%, Cherkauer said.

The need for more data on the effects to the aquifers

“Indiana has plentiful water resources,” Cherkauer said, “but they are not evenly distributed, and that is why we’re having these conversations about moving water from one watershed to another.

“In order to have a better understanding, we have to have better observational records,” he said of the need to gather data to quantify how much water is below the surface and how quickly those aquifers typically recharge.

Tapping the Tippecanoe County aquifer isn’t the issue. It’s the piping of the water across the state and ultimately putting it into a different watershed that might be problematic.

“When you’re considering where to put industrial sites that are heavy water users, there are certainly places in the state that are really good for that, and there are places in the state that are less good for that,” Cherkauer said.

“If you were to put this plant using 10- or 100-million gallons a day of water on the Wabash River, and it was treating it and returning it to Wabash River in about the same place, that would have very little impact,” he said.

“If they’re pulling from the aquifer and dumping to the surface river, then you’re getting a transfer from the aquifer to the surface water, which will lead to a diminished aquifer in time,” he said of the effects on the ground water. “But it’s a slow process. Since the river here is somewhat connected to the aquifer, it would have less impact.”

Tippecanoe County officials, including the cities, are working with the Indiana Department of Economic Development and want to help other parts of the state find the success that Tippecanoe County has found, Roswarski said.

“We need to make sure it’s done in a way that is sustainable and doesn’t cause problems here in our community,” Roswarski said.

“The elected officials that are here now feel like we have a responsibility to the people coming after us that this was done correctly and that our voice was heard and that we’ve done this in a way that is sustainable for everyone,” Roswarski said.

The project likely is five or six years away from construction, Roswarski said.

Reach Ron Wilkins at rwilkins@jconline.com. Follow on Twitter: @RonWilkins2.

Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (RAWA) has been reintroduced!

The Bipartisan Recovering America’s Wildlife Act Has Been Reintroduced

This Landmark bipartisan bill would be the most significant investment in wildlife and habitat conservation in a generation.

Last year, as 2022 came to an end, we barely missed the opportunity to include RAWA in the omnibus spending bill, but with the work of organizations throughout the country we have a second chance.  U.S. Senators Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) reintroduced the bipartisan Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (RAWA). This legislation invests in proactive, state-led on-the-ground conservation. These locally driven, science-based strategies will support the long-term health and wildlife throughout the Hoosier state.

“Protecting America’s fish and wildlife habitat means conserving the creatures we love before they ever become imperiled,” said Heinrich. “After all, our children deserve to inherit the full breadth of American wildlife, from bumble bees to bison, that we know today. This legislation will make that possible.”  “Passing RAWA into law will mean our grandchildren will be able to experience the same rich and abundant American wildlife—from bumblebees to bison—that we have been so lucky to grow up with” continued Heinrich.

“Today, we are facing another crisis with too many fish and wildlife being placed on the endangered species list, negatively impacting businesses, farmers, and landowners. This situation must be avoided at all costs, and RAWA gives state and tribal wildlife commissions the tools needed to perform proactive, on-the-ground conservation to prevent threatened species from becoming endangered,” said Tillis.

U.S. Representative Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.) will be leading the legislation in the House. “RAWA has always been a bipartisan effort. The United States is facing an unprecedented biodiversity crisis, and we have a conservation, economic, and moral obligation to act in order to protect and recover America’s wildlife for future generations. I have been proud of the support we’ve built behind RAWA from a broad, bipartisan coalition since its first introduction in 2016, and I’m optimistic about the progress we can make this year. We look forward to a strong, bipartisan reintroduction in the House in April. Protecting our nation’s vast and diverse wildlife isn’t a partisan issue, it’s our responsibility, and we won’t stop working until this bill becomes law,” said Dingell.

The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act would immediately become the most important funding mechanism for States, territories, and Tribes. This bill will greatly increase Indiana’s ability to conserve those species that are most at risk in the Hoosier state.  Existing federal funding support is insufficient and does not allow our Department of Natural Resources to perform the vital work needed to recover the wildlife of our state.  RAWA would give Indiana wildlife up to $18 million annually to help stave off the threats the currently face.  RAWA would fundamentally transform the way Indiana is able to aid our wildlife, protecting species that continue to decline and have little chance of receiving aid under our currently reality.  This bill would unleash a new era of conservation for bobwhite quail, migrating waterfowl, loggerhead shrike, Blanding’s turtles, lake sturgeon, osprey, banded pigmy sunfish, cerulean warblers, green salamanders and timber rattlesnakes.  These species, which are vital to a functioning environment, are often not those that receive attention, but RAWA will allow us to protect them for future generations.

This collaborative, nonregulatory, locally driven approach of the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act should appeal to the common-sense conservatism of Sens. Todd Young and Mike Braun. We’re hopeful that each member of the Indiana delegation will support it once it is on the floor.  Indiana needs RAWA!